How A Rockville MD Dental Office Helps Gum Disease

By Elinor Hain

Many people develop gum disease and some are prone to develop it even if they practice good oral hygiene. This condition is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults 35 years and older. Damage occurs when plaque accumulates along the gum line. A dentist working in a Rockville MD dental office can offer effective and affordable solutions.

Regular flossing and brushing can prevent this condition. People who smoke are more susceptible as are individuals taking certain medications that block calcium channels and prevent seizures. In addition to all the other ways it affects health, stress can also play a factor here.

Some medications, chewing tobacco, and smoking are common causes of dry mouth, which can increase the risk of developing disease of the gums. Practicing good oral hygiene lowers the risk of damage to gums but will not be enough for some people. Certain individuals may develop this disease despite their best efforts.

If symptoms develop anyway, then you should talk to your dentist. The primary symptom of gum disease is a reddening and swelling of the gums, which may also bleed when brushing (You should keep brushing anyway, even if your gums are sore and bleeding). Bad breath and loose or sensitive teeth are also symptoms. Most likely, your dentist will use deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) to remove plaque from below the gum line. If this does not work, medication or even minor surgery may be required.

Dentists can offer multiple solutions for patients with a dry mouth. Most of the options available help by stimulating saliva production. These include medications and specially formulated toothpastes.

Following a daily routine of flossing and brushing after meals is the best way to ensure good oral health. At the first signs of problems, you should contact a local dentist and make an appointment. Early intervention can allow your dentist to offer solutions so you can avoid unpleasant and expensive procedures later.

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