Here's how to get rid of belly fat fast!

As you know, get rid of belly fat is very difficult! Anyone who ventured on this path knows that there is no magic to burn fat without effort. Here is a series of tips that will help you eliminate the abdominal fat that weighs on morale. Explanations.
Belly fat is dangerous for health
Besides being unsightly, excess fat on your stomach is as harmful to health, and numerous scientific studies have shown ... Indeed, this fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension blood, stroke, cancer, etc. The main factors that promote excess stomach fat levels are poor diet (high fat and processed foods) and a lack of physical activity.
How to lose belly fat?
The best way to lose weight and effectively burn belly fat is to do physical exercise regularly (two to three times a week) and healthy eating.
Here the example of Kate Adams, who succumbed to the daily routine, passing his days sitting at her laptop. She eventually accumulates kilos one by one ... One day it clicked and decided to change his life, which led him to publish numerous books on health and nutrition, and to found the "Club belly dish ".
She created an amazing weight loss program that combines healthy eating and exercise and she says that if you follow this routine to the letter, you will lose 3 kilos in 7 days!
An effective program designed to get rid of belly fat!
During his 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition, Kate has developed a unique program to surprising results.
She first tested the program on itself and in just 7 days, she managed to lose 3 kilos and over the next two months, she managed to lose 10 kilos.
If Kate Adams managed this challenge, you can do it! You just have to have the will and determination. This has initially shared the program with his friends and with the world, by publishing.
What is the first step in this program to lose belly fat?
Keep a food diary where you write down everything you eat: the amount of food, time, etc. In as much detail as possible, to help you have a record of what you eat and to monitor progress.
These notes are very important because they allow you to see your weaknesses and improve the organization of your diet.
How to lose belly fat in a week? The principles of the "Club belly"
All members of the "flat stomach Club" Kate that followed this routine to the letter got amazing results.
First, you must divide your meals into three main meals and five snacks (fruits and vegetables). If you do this, you should never be hungry. For example, if you get the urge to eat chips or a sweet treat, opt for a healthy snack. This will satisfy your hunger and you will avoid consuming "empty" calories (sugars).
Then you have to eat smaller portions. This may be difficult at first, but you will gradually notice that your belly fat will disappear slowly but surely!
Your morning should start with a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. This drink will stimulate the fat burning process and speed up your metabolism. For this, you just need to squeeze a lemon in a large glass of warm water that you drink upon awakening on an empty stomach. If you are unable to bear its sour taste, you can add a little honey or stevia.
You also need to drink plenty of water throughout the day (at least 1.5 liters per day). You can vary with unsweetened tea.
What to banish:
Candy and other processed foods. If envy sweet, eat fruit or a few squares of dark chocolate.
Try to avoid salt and salty foods all. Sodium causes water retention and bloating increases. If you must use salt, opt for the Himalayas rather than the usual salt.
Bread should be banished from your meals. So instead of opting for a sandwich, opt for fresh vegetables (vegetable soups, etc.).
Another habit of banishing: Never eat in front of the TV or computer, you must make sure to eat slowly and chew food. The TV promotes distraction, result: you do not even go to remember what you ate and you will feel hungry faster.

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