An Overview Of Hearing Evaluations

By Ann Myers

In the broad course of audiology, specialists with the specialty in assessing a person hearing ability are referred to as audiologist. Before evaluation, screening is done so as to separate individuals free of listening loss from those affected. The procedure of screening those problems is a quick and cost effective compared to that of evaluation as it involves few questions by the specialist mainly on medical and hearing history. Those that fail the screening test repeatedly are subject to hearing evaluations.

Evaluations are carried out with different aims helpful to the individual. First, the nature of an infection is shown, and its extent of which it covers is also clearly indicated. It also helps the specialist to know the required treatment to give to the individual. The process is carried along many other machines that perform each and every specific task.

Adults and children are subjected to different means of testing. This is because the test is dependent on many factors and mainly the age. Self-assessment is recommended before making an appointment with a specialist so as to be able to give comprehensive details on the problem. Some simple techniques are used to know whether infants and toddlers are okay by observing on how they respond to loud noises using body motions. Various tests are used in the evaluation.

The pure-tone method of testing works by examining the extent of sound an individual will hear on varying frequencies. Earphones are worn so as to receive the sound impulses, and it is connected to a computer that displays an audiogram. The interpretation of audiogram is dependent on whether the audiometry is visual or conditioned. Visual involves staring at the sound source while conditioned involves responding to voice by making the commanded action.

Speech testing examines listening and speech. Results are obtained in an audiogram. The threshold of the speech is determined. This test may be done in quiet, noisy or moderate noisy areas to get the best results. People with listening loss will have difficulty understanding the speech on a background. This information is helpful to the audiologist.

A broad test to check the possible cause of impairment is done on the middle ear. This is because it contains most vital sections that include the eardrum. Fluidity in the ear and also a presence of air during evaluation shows infection. Specific areas are examined keenly. Nervous system plays a role in the conversion of waves into sound by acting as a link for transmission of those impulses before they are translated to sound.

Once testing is done, and evaluation has been completed. The disorder is clearly portrayed as the cause is seen. Treatment to eradicate or relieve the condition is done by either medication, use of technological aids or some extents implants are used. Prevention is said to be better than cure hence avoidance of exposure to much noise and precautions in areas of loud voices is critical.

Certified practitioners are the only individuals allowed to care and examine individual with the problems. Evaluation gives a detailed study on the cause of the impairment hence highly preferred.

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