At Yoga Ann Arbor MI Practitioners Improve Their Bodies And Minds

By Janet Wagner

Swami Vivekananda, an Indian philosopher, tours the United States and Canada towards the end of the eighteenth century to promote his unique philosophy. He called it Asana but most people know it better as yoga. The philosophy immediately appealed to numerous people and today Asana is practiced in every country all over the world and by people from all cultures and backgrounds. In order to learn how to practice yoga Ann Arbor MI enthusiasts can get going after just one or two classes.

Despite the popularity of Asana, many people still have a misconception about what it is actually all about. There are those that think that it is nothing but a collection of bodily poses and stretching exercises. Then there are those that think that it is some form of religion originating from the East. None of this is true. Asana is not a religion but a philosophy that aims to improve the body, the mind and the spirit.

There are indeed stretching exercises and poses that form an integral part of Asana. They are not the primary purpose of the philosophy, however. They are mere tools to help practitioners to focus and to concentrate. The exercises and poses differ according to the variation of Asana that is practiced. Some are more strenuous and others require very little or no physical strength or stamina.

Asana can easily be practiced by entire families. This is because classes are mixed with some members more experienced, others only beginners, some older people and some very young ones. Nobody is ever compared with another practitioner and there is never any form of competition. There is also no schedule according to which practitioners have to master new poses and exercise. Everyone progresses at his own pace.

There have been many studies focusing on Asana, especially its potential health benefits. It has been found that people suffering from high anxiety levels, depression and other mental conditions benefited greatly after taking up Asana. Those with hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases afflicting the joints and tendons also benefit. Improved flexibility and stronger muscles are also major benefits enjoyed by practitioners. It even improves the ability to concentrate.

Literally anyone can practice Asana, even those with physical disabilities. It is suitable for any age group, even the elderly and very young children. It is easy to start too. There is no need to buy equipment or special clothing to get going. One can even start practicing in isolation at home, but experts advise that it may be better to join at least a few classes in order to learn all the basic poses and exercises.

Many beginners struggle to find a style of Asana that suits them. The best solution is to become a member of a studio that offers classes in several styles. After a little bit of experimenting it should be much easier to choose a specific style. There are also many websites that provide valuable information and that even allow users to post questions. Some websites even offer video lessons.

The immense popularity of Asana all over the world is not surprising at all. It is not risky in any way and it offers numerous mental and physical benefits. Practitioners improve their concentration levels and they are better able to focus on the inner self.

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