Important Information On Plasma Replacement Therapy

By David Schmidt

Platelet Plasma which is commonly referred to PRP is essential in giving your skin a rejuvenating and tighter feel. Plasma replacement therapy, however, makes use of PRP available in your blood to trigger manufacture of collagen which makes your skin tight and gives it a finer feel. The most common areas where this therapy is administered are neck, eyes, face and the hands.

The therapy normally takes place once per every three to four months for an individual. It also includes a remedy session which goes on for one hour. The follow up treatment involves three or four sessions within a 30 days gap between each session. Throughout the treatment, the PRP is got from the blood by filtering out the platelet cells from red blood cells. The PRP is then injected into the skin in series.

This therapy has existed for decades and it has been practiced across the world. It helps in curing wounds that you may have got from sporting activities or a surgery that was invasive. Since platelets have the ability to stick they stop further bleeding from the wound. This promotes quicker recovery and faster development of a new set of cells. Consequently, your skin becomes younger and tighter.

This form of treatment is not harmful. You are not at risk of getting any infection because it is your blood. The risk of contracting an allergic condition or more severe illnesses is reduced. This treatment does not happen overnight and if you are looking for a therapy that gives you a quick solution this may not be ideal.

Just like any other medical procedures, some effects will be experienced on your body such as reddishness and on the areas where you received treatment some swellings may be experienced. For a period that exceeds two weeks, the marks will be visible but they will cease with time. If you are not okay with them you can apply some makeup that can help you to hide the marks.

If you are ashamed of your dry skin that is dull you can seek plasma replacement. This treatment promotes hair growth and it also ensures that you have gotten rid of wrinkles. If you want to achieve a finer skin texture this treatment is what you need. The procedure is perfect for all body parts.

Before seeking this form of treatment, you should ensure that you are well prepared. Drugs can complicate the procedure and you should avoid them. Before receiving the treatment you should not take any anti-inflammatory drugs for a period of two weeks before receiving therapy and after receiving the treatment you should avoid the drugs for six weeks. Omega 3 should also be avoided.

The results of the treatment become evident after three weeks. However, for a patient with prior cases of drugs, tobacco and alcohol consumption, it may be difficult to note the changes after the treatment. In addition, wrinkles and scars may be hard to get rid of. Nevertheless, light dermal rolls may be included to improve the results together with needle rollers. The treatment is generally safe and effective in improving the skin appearance and hence is recommendable to anyone with a skin issue.

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