Some Facts About Heterochronic Plasma Exchange

By Dennis Barnes

Since the olden days, people have been trying to find ways to live forever. Although we have not yet discovered how to do this, many medical and non-medical solutions have been found to prolong longevity in humans. If you want to do more than exercise and eat healthily to extend your lifespan, then options like going for heterochronic plasma exchange may be just what you need. Before you decide to sign up for this treatment, here is what you should to know about it.

This treatment involves an older person getting a blood transplant from a younger person. Logically, the process is a bit more complicated than a regular blood transplant, but it involves replacing the plasma in the older person with plasma from the younger individual. The process is done extracorporeally, meaning you do not have to worry about the complications associated with surgery.

Before this process can be done, you will need to undergo a full medical checkup. This will ensure that any conditions you may have, are documented in your patient history. This is usually a routine procedure before any transfusions, but it is vital in this case because the presence of certain conditions can make this process risky or simply doomed to fail. Talking to a doctor will also allow you to ask any nagging questions you may have about the procedure, and even what will happen after the exchange is done.

Most medical procedures come with some level of risk, no matter how low it might seem to be. This will also be the case with this particular treatment. However, by using a qualified physician and going to a reputable facility, you considerably minimize this risk. You should read about what has been happening in the clinical trials, to know what to expect.

This procedure in non-intrusive, but it still needs to be done with specialized equipment. Therefore, the facility you choose to check into should have this equipment, as well as qualified medical personnel. You should run thorough background checks to ensure that the clinic is registered, and the physician is certified, licensed and has not been involved in any scandalous cases.

Clinical trials for this form of therapy have just recently been completed, and the process itself if newly approved. Therefore, not very many places offer this service just yet. However, you can run an internet search to identify clinics that are up and running, or book yourself into a place that is opening by early two thousand and seventeen.

Within and outside the medical community, you will find that not everyone is one board with this process. Although it may be perfectly safe, and legally approved not everyone thinks it is ethical. However, considering that this therapy is used to save lives, you should have no moral qualms going through with it.

Depending on what you agree with the facility, you can either look for a donor yourself for one may be provided for you. They will have to pass the set criteria and most importantly be of good health. Their consent will also be needed to ensure that you and the professionals doing the procedure do not break any legal or ethical rules.

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