Natural Menopause Treatment Bethesda MD

By Thomas Long

All women experience menopause symptoms. However, instead of medicine and hormone replacement therapy, there are many natural options available to address these symptoms, which are frequently caused by hormonal imbalances. Women can try natural menopause treatment Bethesda MD for menopausal relief without the side effects of HRT and medications.

Eating the right foods is very important. Try to eat a balanced diet of healthy fats and protein. Ensure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables too. Have three balanced meals every day and a couple of healthy snacks in between to keep your blood sugar at normal levels. You should also try to reduce your carbohydrate intake and avoid refined sugars.

HRT can relieve symptoms such as irritability, hot flashes and night sweats. However, women should be aware that there many be some side effects, such as headaches, breast tenderness and vaginal bleeding. There is also an increased risk of developing blood clots or certain types of cancer. It is wise to speak with your doctor before starting HRT to learn about the benefits and risks of this treatment so that you can decide if it is right for you.

Vaginal estrogen is often used to relieve vaginal dryness, which many women experience when their estrogen levels decline. This can be used directly on the vagina as a vaginal cream, or it may be taken as a tablet. Some estrogen therapy is given as a ring that is inserted inside the vagina to release the hormone. Whichever method is used, only a small amount of estrogen is released into the body, which is then absorbed by the vaginal tissues to relieve dryness. This can also help women who experience discomfort during intercourse or have other painful urinary symptoms.

Certain antidepressants in low doses may also help to decrease menopausal hot flashes. This medication may be given to women who are unable to take estrogen therapy for various health reasons or are suffering from a mood disorder and who require an antidepressant to manage it.

Gabapentin, which is typically used to treat seizures, has also been proven to help reduce hot flashes. As with antidepressants, gabapentin can be used by women who are unable to have estrogen therapy or suffer from migraines.

Many women are prescribed antidepressant medications to help relieve symptoms. However, while many women feel stressed, anxious and depressed during this stage, antidepressants may not always be the best way to relieve symptoms. Many antidepressants have negative side effects, such as headaches and constipation, and some women may be taking them for a long time. Before taking antidepressants, speak to your doctor about the risk of taking the medication.

Sometimes stress can be the reason why women experience hormonal imbalances that affect their mood and mental function. Stress can affect other parts of the body as well, such as blood sugar levels, thyroid function and digestive function. Stress has also been known to cause symptoms such as hot flashes and decreased libido. One of the best ways to reduce your stress levels is to practice deep breathing exercises every day.

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