Common Oral Health Concerns That Can Be Treated Through Mississippi Orthodontics

By William Morgan

There are certain oral health problems that can be addressed through orthodontic care. Treatment will assist greatly in improving the appearance of the smile as well as the overall oral health of a patient. There are certain issues that can be surgically corrected while others can be treated using spaces and braces among other treatments. Dependable Mississippi orthodontics helps to treat concerns that increase the risk of gum disease, TMJ and jaw pain.

Overbites are quite common and they can also be addressed through orthodontic care. The concern makes the bottom dental to get overlapped by the upper one. Overbites are also called buck teeth and an issue could be caused genetics, prolonged thumb sucking during childhood or improper development of the jaw.

In order to treat an overbite, an orthodontist can choose to remove excess teeth to allow other teeth to freely grow. When a concern is not caused by dental overcrowding, it can be corrected by using braces to straighten the improperly aligned teeth. The right treatment methods to use will highly depend on the cause of the overbite.

If your dental is healthy, the outer ridge of your lower teeth will meet at the center of the ridge of your upper teeth. On the other hand, patients with a crossbite will have a lower dental arch that fails to properly line up with the arch of the upper dental. This is an issue often caused by jaw misalignment and without treatment, a patient can suffer from bone loss, TMJ or gum disease. During treatment, your practitioner will prescribe dental trainers or braces.

Dental overcrowding is when the mouth does not have adequate space for all the teeth to perfectly fit in. This can happen if a child loses the baby teeth too late or too soon. Overcrowding not only messes with the appearance of the smile, but also makes it challenging to maintain good oral hygiene. When proper brushing and flossing becomes a challenge, a patient becomes more vulnerable to gum disease and cavities.

A specialist will consider the level of overcrowding before choosing the most ideal treatment strategies to use. In most cases, it is necessary to extract the wisdom teeth and use braces to achieve a more appropriate alignment. Proper treatment would drastically enhance the appearance of the smile of a patient.

An underbite is the opposite of an overbite and it affects the lower teeth, making them to pop out further than the upper ones. This problem is caused either by missing upper teeth or an incorrect jaw development pattern. In this case, a patient may need to get scheduled for surgery in order to pull back the bone that is popping out. To relieve pressure and facilitate proper healing, a mouth guard, braces and tooth extraction may be necessary.

Prolonged thumb sucking or use of pacifiers is to blame for open bite concerns. This is when a space is left between the upper and lower teeth and it can lead to TMJ, chewing problems and gum disease. Treatment is imperative because the misalignment makes the patient to accidentally bite the mouth interiors.

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