Facts About Alternative Medicine London Ontario Residents May Wish To Know

By Edward Allen

Not every individual subscribes to the mainstream kind of medical treatment. There will always be outliers when seeking treatment for different diseases. This could either be out of personal choice or due to the desperation of undergoing other treatments without cure. Alternative medicine, AM, is one of the avenues that people take in a bid to get healed. Unfortunately, it has no scientific backup whatsoever; no meaningful evidence is available to prove its effectiveness. These are some of the critical facts regarding alternative medicine London Ontario residents may find useful.

Complementary therapy engages the use of natural remedies including plant and animal products. Most of the preparations come in form of elixirs, powders or tablets. These are usually extremely unpalatable and the patient may only take them out of desperation and the strong belief that they will get healed. One needs to be extremely cautious with these natural remedies as some of them may contain poison. Commonly used substances include fish oil, flaxseed, minerals and fungi.

Supernatural powers are one of the key theories that govern alternative medicine. Such powers are believed to incorporate electric currents, electromagnetic waves and chiropractic therapies to cause cure of a given condition. It is said that the currents travel across the entire human body getting rid of abnormal conditions in the course of penetration. Even though use of such currents is the essence of physical sciences, their use in complementary medicine has no solid ground.

Belief in religion is also a key concept in alternative therapies. It is based on prayers and faith to restore the health of the patient. Relying on religion alone can be detrimental to the patient as there is no evidence to back its use. This mainly work if it is supplemented with conventional treatment. Faith may be of benefit because it gives hope to the patient and even facilitates scientific treatment. This is evidenced by the fact that such individuals to be more compliant with their drugs.

Just like any other treatment modality, alternative treatment comes with certain challenges. This can be difficult to contain given the fact that no studies have been done to reveal possible side effects and management. The main advantage of scientific methods is that they have undergone intensive research to ensure that any adverse effects are dealt with accordingly.

Having total faith in alternative treatments may be disappointing especially when one suffers from a more severe disease. Not only is diagnosis delayed but definitive treatment may also take too long to be initiated. Ultimately, the patient develops complications that may not be reversed by the time they make up their minds to get the right management.

Chronic use of unconventional substances, particularly herbs may cause damage to organs such as the liver, kidney and spleen. The unfortunate bit is that the patient may remain asymptomatic until when the organs are severely damaged. Another common side effect of AM is allergies, in which case the body is incompatible with the medication.

In summary, alternative medicine is generally discouraged by those in conventional practice given the fact that it has no established proof. Moreover, it is associated with delayed diagnosis and response to treatment. Various approaches are used in pseudoscience including use of herbs, incorporation of religion and belief in supernatural powers.

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