Nutritional Supplementation For Effectively Lowering Heart Disease Risk

By John Robinson

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. No one can deny that's it one of the most nightmarish medical conditions around. Worry not because doctors confirm that it's highly preventable. If you want to keep it at bay, consider proper nutritional supplementation on a regular basis.

There are tons of supplements for the heart available in the current market. If truth be told, taking all of them is not really needed. For as long as the person is living healthily and eating wholesomely, there is no need for him or her to purchase every single cardiovascular supplement out there.

However, it's important to note that many of today's supplements can in fact help keep heart disease at bay. Omega-3 fatty acids are some very good examples. These healthy fats are scientifically-proven to help save the arteries from becoming narrowed and hardened. That's because omega-3 fatty acids are capable of lowering bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Magnesium is another supplement that is commonly recommended for those who like to fend off heart disease. That's because this mineral has the ability to relax the heart muscles, thus allowing for a lower resting heart rate. Generally speaking, people with low resting heart rates tend to have superb cardiovascular health.

Consumers who like to keep their hearts out of harm's way may also opt for garlic supplements. According to scientists, garlic has the amazing ability to thin the blood. This only means that the formation of a blood clot can be prevented, thus lowering one's risk of having a heart attack and stroke.

Sadly, the intake of certain supplements alone is not enough. Consuming them on a regular basis doesn't necessarily mean that the entire cardiovascular system is already safeguarded. According to health experts, it is also very important for a person to opt for healthy living.

If you are a smoker, you should certainly turn your back on it right away. Everyone is aware of the fact that cigarette smoking is bad for the lungs. Unfortunately, not a lot of people know that this nasty habit is also something that can wreak havoc on the heart and arteries.

The intake of alcohol should be done in moderation only. Studies say that too much alcohol can in fact raise the blood pressure and wreak havoc on the heart muscles. In order to fend off problems, a man should drink not more than 2 glasses of alcohol per day, and a woman should consume not more than 1 glass of it a day.

Regularly exercising is certainly a good idea. This should be done at least 5 times a week, and every session should be at least 20 minutes long. According to experts, one must do cardiovascular exercises as well as muscle-building routines in order to obtain optimum cardiovascular health.

It's also important to keep at bay excessive stress. It only means that the individual should avoid as many stressors as possible and also engage in all kinds of stress-relieving activities as necessary. Getting 7 to 9 hours of restorative sleep per night is also good for keeping the entire cardiovascular system out of harm's way.

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