Cosmetic Acupuncture Westchester County NY Skin Centers Are Offering

By Carol Rogers

Perhaps you are just like so many beauty-conscious women of today who do not consider undergoing the knife as a solution to skin aging. That's because it is known to come with serious risks, plus it can easily wreak havoc on one's savings. Worry not because you can choose from so many different all-natural alternatives. One of the things that you may give a try is what's known as facial acupuncture Westchester County NY skin centers are providing nowadays.

Needless to say, it is provided by an acupuncturist and not a dermatologist or an aesthetic technician. Even though the goal is to make you look more beautiful, the fact remains that it is still part of ancient Chinese medicine. It is a good idea for you to undergo all of the suggested number of treatments if you want to enjoy dramatic effects.

It's known to work really well because it effectively encourages the synthesis of more collagen. This type of structural protein is the one that gives a woman's skin its firmness. There are lots of collagen present in the skin of children and teenage kids. Sadly, adults do not have plenty of it. Such is the very reason why those who are nearing 30 years of age and older usually complain about having unsightly wrinkling and sagging.

Various reasons exist why a considerable drop in the amounts of collagen happens. The process of aging causes a decline in the body's ability to produce enough of this skin-firming substance. Unhealthy living is also known to damage available collagen. Needless to say, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol intake, too much stress and lack of a good night's sleep are all terrible habits for women who really care about the way they look.

You can also put the blame on regularly staying under the sweltering sun without the use of sunscreen. It's for the fact that UV radiation coming from the sun can cause unnecessary collagen breakdown. About 80 percent of all the aging signs that you can spot are actually brought about by sun damage, say skin care authorities.

Stepping foot inside the office of an acupuncturist encourages relaxation of the facial muscles. The muscles of the face may remain partially contracted due to having high levels of stress. Such is known to accelerate the process of aging. Being stressed all the time can activate the body's inflammatory response unnecessarily, and this is something that can cause extensive damage to the skin cells.

Getting some points on your face stimulated with the use of tiny needles is known to boost blood supply to your skin cells. An increase in blood circulation promotes better oxygenation of the cells, and this leads to a radiant-looking complexion. This also helps keep your skin cells healthy by making sure they are being supplied with plenty of nutrients.

Only select skin centers of today are offering facial acupuncture. You may increase your odds of finding a reputable one by getting the suggestions of your friends or even dermatologist. Don't forget to check that the beauty acupuncturist available is both experienced and certified.

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