Essential Oil Insect Repellent For House And Garden Use

By Angela Morris

If you want to help reduce the pollution of the planet -and protect your health at the same time - consider using natural pest control rather than toxic chemicals. You can use essential oil insect repellent with confidence, knowing that it's safe for pets and children, doesn't pollute the environment, and works beautifully.

Insecticides, like DDT, were hailed as miraculous when they first came out. They were extremely effective against annoying pests like bed bugs, and dangerous ones like mosquitoes which carried malaria. The apple harvest was saved from the coddling moth. People loved them - until they discovered that what poisoned bugs poisoned other things, too.

However, while certain pests declined dramatically, other bugs rose up to fill the vacuum. Moreover, birds suffered from eating poisoned insects; their shells became so thin that they broke in the nest before they could hatch. The osprey was the poster child for the 'protect our birds' movement. Fortunately, their population has recovered, and their distinctive shaggy nests are once more a familiar sight along Chesapeake Bay shores.

People are still concerned today, as bees are disappearing around the world and chemicals like DEET are found to be carcinogenic. Essential oils, in contrast, are natural volatile oils that can be safely extracted from plants and that are very effective against pests. They are safe to use in your home, garden, and barnyard. They are safe for all the beneficial insects, the birds, the fish, and the animals around us.

Essential oils should seldom be used full-strength. For insect sprays, you can add up to fifty drops of one or a combination of oils to a mixture of one part witch hazel to two parts water. You can also add the oil to water mixed with vodka. (Alcohol can be drying to the skin, so you could also add half an ounce of jojoba oil.) Leave room in the spray bottle for the shaking which is necessary before every use, since the oils will separate out.

Oils that make good carrier solutions are coconut, sunflower, extra virgin olive, and apricot kernel oil. Using an oil makes sense if you need a long-lasing effect or if you are applying it to a dog - as in a flea or tick repelling mix. If you have dry skin in the summer, a little fragrant oil on arms, hands, and legs is nice.

Mosquitoes are repelled by almost all fragrant oils. Horseflies hate tansy, peppermint, thyme, and cedarwood. Lemon eucalyptus is good for keeping almost any bug away. For fleas, try lemongrass, cedarwood, lavender, tea tree, thyme, and oregano. For gnats, eucalyptus and citronella are good, as are the mints. Get a citronella candle to help keep insects away at night. You can also rub a bit of lemon balm, catnip, or mint on your face when you are gardening; add a few sprigs to your hat, too, to keep the gnats away.

The volatile oils in plants attract pollinators while repelling pests. Check out the other oils you can use: grapefruit, clove, cinnamon, pine, rosemary, and lemon. A few drops of peppermint oil keeps spiders out of basement corners. With use, you'll find your favorite natural bug repellents.

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