What To Know About The Non Surgical Treatment Of Gum Disease NV

By Cynthia Cox

High consumption of sugary foods by a large percentage of the world population today has increased the percentage of people affected by dental issues. Although some of the dental issues example periodontal diseases not completely being attributed to the eating sugary foods, the results are still painful. In this article is an explanation of the Non Surgical Treatment Of Gum Disease NV

Commonly, the traditional method of containing or healing periodontal diseases is through using antibiotics or surgery. The use of antibiotics has been discouraged with time as patients using the drugs have been noted to have bacteria strains that become resistant to the drugs with time. As with the surgery, the after effects example pain are too much for a patient.

After noting the above factors, dentists have come up with a method that does not involve surgery which is convenient for the patient. The process involves using a laser to reshape the placement of the gums. To reshape the gums, the laser is directed at removing the pockets formed in the gums that allow the bacteria to accumulate leading to the periodontal diseases.

A main challenge that the use of surgery method and antibiotics faced is the high chances of the disease occurring again. This is due to that some of the bacteria causing the disease would still remain in the gums thus allowing reinfections and making the procedures more complicated. However with laser surgery all the bacteria is killed and reinfection is not a problem at all.

The healing process after the laser procedure is often more conducive for the patient as compared to the surgery method. To confirm this, one needs to note that with the surgery, the patient will lose a lot of blood in the process and the operation also leaves a large scar. However, for laser operations a smaller scar is made, less blood is lost and thus the healing process is faster.

The surgery method requires a special concoction of chemicals to reduce the pain experienced by the patient during the operation. However, for the laser type, locally available anesthesia can easily contain the pain. The main challenge with the method though is finding a dentists who knows how to perform the procedure properly and has the right set of equipment to do so.

Other than a health benefit, the method can also be used for cosmetic reasons. This method is thus recommended if you have extra gums on your teeth. The gums should not cover the enamel of your teeth and affect the look of your smile. To alter the position of the gums, the laser operation is an easy way to do so and perfect your smile.

Our teeth are very essential to us as they help us chew our food and are also essential while smiling. By ensuring that we take great care of our teeth we avoid future expensive complications. It is recommended that everyone should make regular visit to a dentist and also ensure that they brush their teeth at least twice per day to reduce dental diseases.

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