Healthwise And Reiki Corpus Christi

By Joyce Baker

It is all about touch and feeling better. This is the way of Reiki Corpus Christi, in making you feel revived and rejuvenated. It is better to feel that all has been done healthwise only to learn later that the onset of an illness could have been reverted.

It is about relaxing and have a trained therapist take you through the process of getting to know the body better. Reiki does not include actual touching but are hand movements above and around the body. As far as history is concerned this practice has been in existence for eons and has been used through the ages to bring about complete health.

Energy fields exist around the body and flow through it. Should these not be flowing uninhibited then illness results. This is one of the reasons why a trained therapist will ask the client whether he or she is experiencing discomfort in a certain area of the body. Should an organ of the body not be in good health, this will be picked up by the reiki master as they sense the broken field of energy pertaining to that organ.

Stress plays an important role in modern life and it is dealing with it that makes a person stronger and more adept to handle it. Should energy fields become broken this is a sign that the related bodily organ is overworked and is suffering. It is the job of the therapist to ascertain if there is anything wrong with organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys and others.

Stress is caused by a variety of factors one of which is improper diet. This is often due to stressful occupations that just do not allow for enough time to create a healthy meal. Most consumers find that it is easier to buy junk or fast food to fill the hunger need quickly. A bad diet has an effect on the digestive system and with it hinders related organs as well.

Fast foods are the norm today and are consumed in huge quantities globally such as pizza, burgers and many fried foods which are quick to prepare. These do not contain enough of the natural nutrients the body craves and invariably consumption of these foods leads to overweight and obesity. They are meals that do not contain the right stuff and so with this, the body suffers and craves for proper nutrition.

Eating the correct foods is a way of life but like most, seems to be a chore that is left for a later time. Most say that they will do better their diet at a later time but in the meantime do not embark on a diet regimen that is productive and progressive. Reiki therapists assist with all areas of life and it is advisable from the start to open up an honest path of communication.

As with all alternative therapies, a once off consultation will help but the idea is to incorporate it into a lifestyle. It is a form of preventative medicine whereby if there are problems found, a course of treatment can be embarked upon to relieve the problem. All in all it is a worthwhile experience and will only benefit the client whilst encouraging them to seek out ways to better health.

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