Postpartum Ayurvedic Medicine For Dealing With Depression

By Dorothy Bailey

After childbirth, a lot of women tend to undergo dramatic mood alterations. Numerous studies say that depression may be experienced by almost 50 percent of all women right after giving birth to their little ones. There is a completely natural, safe and effective remedy for this particular type of psychological issue, and it's referred to as postpartum ayurvedic medicine. It is scientifically-proven beneficial for new mothers who tend to experience depressing thoughts and behaviors.

Depression is a commonly encountered problem among women right after childbirth and it can be blamed on a variety of causes. Health authorities theorize that it is largely brought about by changes in the hormone levels. While in the family way and also after giving birth, radical hormonal changes within a woman's body can be expected to happen.

Giving birth to your baby and taking good care of it can definitely leave you feeling stressed. It's not just the physical kind of stress that you may encounter, but also something that's emotional. It is because of severe physical and emotional stress why it's very much likely for you to wind up battling psychological issues such as depression.

A woman who just gave birth also has to take care of her new baby, thus leaving her constantly fatigued. This is something that can certainly make everything worse. She may also fail to obtain 7 to 9 hours of rejuvenating sleep every single night which she badly needs. Everyone knows that lack of shut-eye nightly can have a negative effect on one's mood. It can be expected for some major psychological problems to take place due to exhaustion during the day and sleep deprivation at night.

Depression that shows up after childbirth can last for several days to a few weeks. There are cases in which it can linger for several months. Some women may even suffer from it for more than a year after giving birth. Obtaining the assistance of a mental health professional without delay is recommended for those who are severely depressed for a very long time already. Such is recommended in order to fend off issues that can certainly complicate the experience of being a new mother.

Medications for effectively putting depression under control are available. Their administration, unfortunately, is notorious for causing all sorts of nasty side effects. This is the very reason why lots of those who are battling postpartum depression refuse to take mood-regulating medications.

Fortunately, it is very much possible to naturally deal with depression that so many women tend to encounter right after childbirth. Ayurveda is a very popular approach, and it's an ancient form of healing that's being practiced in India for at least 5,000 long years now. Currently, so many people from across the globe rely on it for relief from so many different health concerns, from arthritis, high blood pressure to cancer.

To address depression, practitioners of Ayurvedic healing usually employ numerous treatment approaches. Some of them include healthy eating, administration of certain herbs, regular massages and the use of relaxing essential oils. Through these various all-natural approaches, it is very much possible to control depression after giving birth without the need to take medications.

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