Absolute Best Reasons To Use Shakes For Hot Flashes

By Bette Schultz

As an aging woman, it is important to find ways to mitigate the symptoms of perimenopause. This unavoidable stage of life can be downright unbearable. As estrogen production declines, the body can develop a host of incredibly unpleasant issues. Fortunately, however, you can use things like soy products for hot flashes to increase your comfort and support your health.

Many women are surprised to discover just how much their estrogen production can affect. As this chemical declines in the body, people can experience sore joints, increased bladder infections and weakening of the bone structure. At this stage of life, problems like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis become increasingly prevalent. This is especially true when no efforts are made to correct changes in estrogen or to at least mitigate their effects.

Because your bone health can be affected by estrogen changes along with other aspects of your physique, using special products to limit the affects of hormone changes can actually bolster your long-term health. It is much harder to replace the bone density that you've already lost than it is to simply protect the bone density you currently have. There are many strategies for relieving a single symptom of menopause that can additionally improve many other symptoms.

The human body is naturally hard-wired to protect and support itself throughout this process. The adrenal glands are designed to produce an estrogen-like hormone. As such, when the adrenals are working effectively, menopause symptoms tend to be far less severe.

If poor diet is the source of adrenal fatigue, or if you have too much stress or do not get enough physical exercise, the adrenals could fail to do their job. This means that they won't be able to produce any chemicals that are like the estrogen your body is missing. Opting to improve your adrenal health tends to be much more effective than using hormone replacements. You can start working out regularly, practicing good stress management, reducing the amount of caffeine you consume and eating a diet that's heart healthy. You basically want to start taking good care of your body all around.

A great reason to use a shake to produce feelings of coolness when hot flashes hit is the immediate relief that certain drinks can supply. This might be the case if the beverage is made with ice, frozen fruits or icy milk in the mix. When ready-made shakes are bought, consider putting these on ice or in the freezer until you're ready for one.

All women should have multi-pronged plans for keeping themselves comfortable. These plans should definitely contain a number of strategic, dietary elements that are intended to provide both short-term and long-lasting results. A good shake can be both naturally cooling, and rich with elements that are essential for supporting the changing body at this trying stage of life.

You might try working with a doctor to alleviate your symptoms for either perimenopause or menopause. Doctors are able to offer hormone replacements that are bio-identical as part of managed hormone therapies. These products, have many drawbacks that include a variety of side effects. Using natural strategies instead may be a far more preferable way to gain the improvements you need, without taking on excessive risk.

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